Federal marijuana prohibition faces a huge constitutional roadblock from Satan’s Smoke. Hoam Rogh’s new book defeats all reasons for the continuing government ban of the controversial herb. Marijuana prohibition first became the law of the land by lies and deception in and from Congress in 1930s. And the lies will end once the facts and analysis of the new book are disseminated.
After reading the history, Hoam Rogh began compiling Satan’s Smoke, his most honestly true story he ever novelized. Hoam called his attorney, T.E. Horwitz, to do some research into the marijuana laws. What he found got to the very heart of what it means to live under the rule of law. America is a beacon of light to the world for the legal system created by its founders and maintained by its courts. Satan’s Smoke reveals the workings of how the Constitution bars irrational government action of purely personal power.
Satan’s Smoke profiles the most shocking fact of the 1st federal ban on marijuana. No, its not that Dr. W.C. Woodward Esq. speaking on behalf of the AMA was told to shut up and leave after explaining to Congress that his organization knew of no evidence to suggest marijuana was a dangerous drug. Instead, that shocking fact has to do with who FDR appointed to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He stood up on the floor of Congress and told Republicans a lie to ensure they would not challenge the vote, which was never recorded. Despite overturning the 1st ban in 1969, lies and deception remain the norm to the present day.
The constitutional tool which accomplishes this astounding feat of justice arose slowly over time. In the bill of rights, the Due Process Clause (DPC) found in the 5th amendment provides a test to determine whether or not a law being enforced is constitutional. Even experts can be unaware of its workings.
But not anymore, Hoam Rogh’s newest book, Satan’s Smoke, effectively presents the test that ensures America remains free, true to its principles of the rule of law, and the greatest country ever created on Earth. Find out all about it today. Get your own copy of Satan’s Smoke right now and help end the madness.
Click here for Shady House Publishing’s Book Shop. Enter coupon code: justice4herb to get an extra $1.50 off of the strangest true story you don’t know, Satan’s Smoke.