These are the lines from the new single – The Cannabis Song – released by local band Busy Fingers this week in the aftermath of the huge cannabis find by Gardai in Drumlish village two weeks ago. While the song takes a light-hearted look at the recent discovery of cannabis plants in a local house the local band are determined to point out that the drug is not tolerated in the North Longford village. The song goes on to highlight the beauty of the area and while the people there enjoy a drink or two they certainly do not tolerate cannabis.
Busy Fingers hit the ‘high’ notes with new Cannabis Song
“It’s growing, growing, growing, as high as it can be,
Behind the dressing table and under the T,.
The Gardai and detectives they all will tell you this,
they’re working day and night to find the plant called cannabis”.
“The lovely village of Drumlish is a sight for all to see,
The sun from Carin Hill will fill you’re heart with glee,
Where people like to drink a pint or a bottle if they wish,
they’ll even drink a few Fat Frogs but it’s no to cannabis”.
The song goes on to compare the revelations of recent tribunals and the international attention of the Beijing Olympics to the discovery of over p500,000 worth of cannabis plants at the house in the North Longford village following a major Garda operation.
“You’ve heard of the Olympics from China in the Fall,
we have listened to tribunals and all about the Dail.
But now the latest story on everybody’s lips ,
is about the day they found the green plant growing in Drumlish”.
The Cannabis Song has already been getting considerable air-time on local radio stations. Busy Fingers will play the Marquee in Drumlish Festival this coming weekend where, no doubt, the Cannabis Song will get an airing. The band is one of a number of top names taking part in this week’s Drumlish Festival.
By Aisling Kiernan
Originaly Published 22 August 2008