CBD is a behind-the-scenes workhorse, facilitating a staggering number of bodily changes while being completely non-psychoactive.
In the land of cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) gets most of the publicity. It is, after all, the compound with the most well-known flair, being the main source of all the euphoric, trippy effects.
Less popular, but perhaps only until now, has been cannabidiol, or CBD, the second most-common cannabinoid among the 70 to 100 found in marijuana (and the most common in hemp). CBD is a behind-the-scenes workhorse, facilitating a staggering number of bodily changes while being completely non-psychoactive.
To start, CBDs counter some of the less desirable side-effects of THC, like anxiety, paranoia, rapid heartbeat and short-term memory loss. In high doses, it can help insomniacs sleep, but in smaller amounts, it can be energizing. It can also reduce inflammation, nausea and convulsions.
As the list continues to grow, so do the CBD-centric products on the market. High-CBD strains are finally more readily available after decades of breeding geared toward high-THC yields. In the edibles industry, companies like Cheeba Chews and Dixie Elixirs & Edibles have developed special CBD products; for instance, the latter’s non-psychoactive Dixie X comes from hemp oil, and according to the website, the company’s in talks to distribute it in grocery and health food stores.
Char Mayes of the local infused-products company TinctureBelle offers a more mom-and-pop approach for patients seeking help from CBDs. While her products are all hybrids (from strain to cannabinoid content), Mayes did make a special high-CBD tincture for local patient Chaz Moore, who suffers from myoclonus diaphragmatic flutter, a condition that seizes the teenager with uncontrollable spasms in his abdomen.
“They had given me the plant,” Mayes says. “And so, I’ll help patients out like that, but I don’t have it on a constant basis to do.”
And when it comes to CBDs, all this is just the tip of the proverbial bud.
By Edie Adelstein
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