The Parades Commission have given the go ahead for a cannabis parade in Belfast

If you don’t believe the Canna-Walk is actually happening and think this is some type of belated April fools joke then check the listing for yourself on the Parades Commission website here.
The new addition to Northern Irelands traditional marching season will see a parade on Saturday the 20th of April depart from Belfast City Hall at 15:30 making it’s way along Donegal Square East to the back of city hall, then onto Bedford Street, up the Dublin Road to Botanic Avenue and into Botanic Gardens in time for the Annual 420 Smoke Out celebrations.We caught up with one of the men involved in the painstaking organisation of the Canna-Walk, Alan Robinson AKA The NI Canna Guy who had this to say…
“I’m so excited to be a part of Northern Irish history this April 20th in Belfast as groundbreaking steps have been made by several individuals and groups to give our community a 420 experience they will never forget. History will be made as both medicinal and recreational cannabis users stand shoulder to shoulder in public as a united community along with our local police force and parades commission supporting our walk. We hope the public will not only come out to cheer us on, we hope for them to join us in our Belfast420 Canna-Walk from City Hall, April 20th from 3pm. We have no side, no divide. Walk with us”